December 7, 2010

I Love Christmas

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving and now we are on to the Christmas Holiday. I love favorite holiday! Not only is it the time to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior but I love the time spent with family and friends. The decorations, smells of candles and the baking. I miss having my dad around to spend it with but I know where he is and that makes it so much easier.

The other night BW told us that we didnt have to buy him any presents he just wanted us to celebrate Christmas. We asked him how he wanted to celebrate and this is what he said "singing, dancing, decorating or anything like that". That of course melted my heart. But of course when we started wrapping presents last night and there was some for him that excited him. I love to hear the kids try to guess what is in the box when they put a present under the funny!

We are also adding in some fun things each day by doing crafts or baking something together. Tonight I have a little surprise for them we are going to meet some family and friends and go see a movie.

What kinds of special things do you do during this holiday season?

1 comment:

Jenilee said...

doing lots of special things! life has been so busy and I'm trying to slow it down and just enjoy Christmas with the girls :) enjoyed visiting your blog from the homeschool hop!