September 14, 2010

A Few Beach Trip Pictures

As most of you know when we were on vacation we were evacuated due to hurricane Earl. Although our trip was cut short and we were not able to spend any time at the ocean due to rip tides I did manage to get a couple of pictures out on the beach. These were all taken the day before Earl was supposed to hit. The waves were rougher and the wind had picked up a bit. Oh and there was a black flag swimming and if you look there were people out in the water. I couldnt believe it.

Hope everyone has a great day today!


Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet said...

Georgeous pictures! I miss the beach. No beaches here in KS! :( LOL!

Katrina said...

Great Pics!

A Faithful Journey said...

Aww...sorry to hear your trip had to be cut short! Your pics are beautiful though!

Stopping by from the Hip Homeschool Hop! Have a great day!!

Joy said...

Beautiful pictures! Stopping by from the Hip Homeschool Hop!

Anonymous said...

Love the beach pictures and your family is so precious!

The Adventurer said...

Stopping by to say Hi as I had a few minutes to catch up reading blogs.

Love the pictures, we will be at a beach in October when we visit friends in NC, we haven't seen a beach in 2 years as we live in England and the beaches here are very rocky:), at least the ones near us. Your pictures are making me excited for our trip.

Ashley Pichea said...

Bummer about being evacuated, but it looks like you were able to enjoy the beach for a bit! :)

Stopping by to say "Hi" from the Hip Homeschool Hop!
I just wanted to introduce myself as the newest member of the HHM team - I'm looking forward to getting to know you!

- Ashley Pichea

Leah said...

Hi. Love the blog name, and those beautiful beach pics! Found your blog from the HHH. I'll be sticking around to check it out for a few. Stop over and visit me sometime, and say hello!