June 28, 2010

Bryanna's Birthday

Last week my baby girl turned 11 years old. I started thinking about how little she was when she entered this world and not knowing if she would make it or not. You see she entered this world at 28 weeks and weighing 2 pounds 7 ounces. She had a pda which is a valve that did not close in her heart and thankfully after several checkups and visits to the heart doctor it closed on its own without requiring surgery. I remember standing by her bedside in the nicu and she stopped breathing...scariest thing for a mom and not know what to do to help her. But I also remember the day I got to bring my sweet precious girl home such a happy moment. Yes there were things we faced when we got home such as setting the clock every 3 hours to feed her, routine doctors visits, rsv shots, being careful of others around her but we got through it. She suffered some breathing issues that continued for years but for the past two years she has had no medicine and seems to be handling it well...I do still keep an eye on her to make sure we have no attacks or anything like that. She did have to have tubes put in her ears twice, adnoids taken out, and speech therapy. We also had to have her checked for cystic fibrosis...very scary time for us. But look at her now and you would not know she has been through this....
So this past Friday she decided she wanted to have a sleepover with 3 of her best friends. She had so much fun and cant wait to do it again. Keep in mind this was her first sleepover with more that one person. I had so much fun with these girls too, they just all bless my heart so much.

So after dinner they did 2 crafts they decorated flip flops and made necklaces...

They played outside, played sharades and acted out Bryannas favorite tv show.

So the next day we had her pool party with the family and her friends, check back tomorrow for pictures from that!


Katrina said...

Great Pics! I know Taylor had a great time! I love the flip flop's that was such a neat idea!

H-Mama said...

The kids looked like they had a blast! Great job, Mama! May we borrow your pool? Looks so inviting this time of year. :)