October 24, 2008

My First Blog Award!

Brianna, a sweet friend,soon to be cousin(yea!!) at THIS LITTLE PIGGY LOVES RYAN gave me this sweet blog award. Thank you so much, you have given me my first blog award! I love your blog too!

Part of accepting the award is:

*displaying the award

*linking back to the person who gave it to you

*paying it forward & nominating 5 blogs

*adding links to those five blogs

*leaving comments on their blog telling them you gave them an award

*enjoying the award

I’m passing this award on to 2 women who's blogs I enjoy reading very much. I am passing this only to 2 women because the other womens blogs that I enjoy have already received this award(Brianna, Michelle, Sherri/Megan, Christy, Sheila, and Tracey).

*Monica at Homespun Heart

*Peggy at The Simple Woman


Piggy said...

You are so very welcome! Soon to be cousin, whoo hoo!! Hee hee, hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Love ya ♥

Monica Wilkinson said...

Annette! Congratulations on your award! And, thank you so much for sharing it with me. I appreciate you taking time to visit my blog and make it a place of encouragement. Have a great weekend!

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