May 30, 2008


Do we ever get completely organized? I am in the process of trying to get things organized and straightened up before we start homeschooling. It seems like it is a never ending process. What are some organizational tips you can share?

Cute website

I was looking for different types of rag bags. I think they are so cute, and I came across this website this morning. Check it out here.
Also I am really liking the pink and cream bible cover that they have.

May 27, 2008


We went to the beach this past weekend and had a great time. It was hard also because when we got there all my dad's stuff was there. I think we needed this time away after what all has been going on the past months. Also Bryan and I decided that we would start homeschooling next year. We are all excited but I am a little nervous as well. Bryanna is very excited I just hope she stays that way. We are going to do a little bit of this and that this summer, hopefully to get the hang of things and to get in some sort of routine, if there is one. Bryanna had to get glasses last week, they are so cute on her. She only has to wear them when reading, on the computer, etc.

May 19, 2008

Broken Hearted...But happy too!

My daddy passed away on May 10th. It was so quick, we only knew about the cancer for a month. One thing I was glad of, his last day he was not in any pain and he went very peacefully. He had been hurting for 5 months and it was all we could do to watch him like that. When he passed he looked more at peace than he has looked in months. I can remember my daddy saying that he hoped at least one person would have been impacted by his life and they would get saved. Well the one person that we know of that got saved first was my sweet daughter. I know my daddy was smiling in heaven. She is so excited and we know daddy would be so proud of her. But you know what is so great for her is she knows now that if something was to happen to her that she will go to heaven and she will see her grandpa and her papa. We had a beautiful service yesterday morning in church and it just so happened when the church was singing Amazing Grace, which was the last song that was sung at my daddys funeral, that is when she said the Lord was dealing with her heart to be saved. One of her best friends was at the alter praying with her and that was just the sweetest thing, 2 children ages 9 and 8 at the alter praying together. I am so glad that Bryanna has such great christian friends and that they are so close. I couldn't have been any happier.

This was the last picture I got of them together. But it is such a wonderful feeling to know that we will see him again.

May 2, 2008

Update on Daddy

Things are not going as we had hoped. He has gall bladder trouble this week. He doesn't have much strength, he has fluid in his legs and feet, and is in right much pain. It seems like things are looking better one day and the next there are more things wrong. I know that God is in control and has a plan and we just need to have faith in him. It is so hard to watch him in pain and not be able to do anything for him. He is still in the hospital and has been there since last Friday, we don't know when he will be able to come home yet. Please pray for him and our family as we struggle through this.