April 28, 2008

Love this Camera!!

I was playing around with my camera and I thought this was a beautiful picture. My niece Anna Jaye, she is so adorable.


April 14, 2008

New Camera

I finally bought a new camera today. With everything going on with my dad I want lots of pictures with him. So I went out today and I found me a cute little camera. I have been playing around with it and took some pictures of the kids. I thought I would post these they are so cute.



April 11, 2008

Bad News!

This week has been such an emotional rollercoaster. We found out Monday that my dad has cancer on his liver. They are still trying to get all the test results together so they can tell us what will be next. They did say that sometimes these come back benign but they are pretty positive it is cancer. But God is the only one that knows. Mom told me this morning that the doctors would come in around lunch time and talk to them. Please pray that the news is no worse than what we have been told already. I am already having a hard time dealing with this. This has just been such a shock to us all. But dad is being a trooper and holding up really well. He is being strong and we are not giving up hope and our faith in God

April 1, 2008

I've Been Tagged!!

Michelle has tagged me! I am a little late getting this post up,so here are 7 things about me.

1. Scrapbooking is one of my favorite things to do, although I don't get to do it that often. It is kind of hard when you have little hands wanting to help.

2. One place I would like to go that I have never been is to Disney.

3. What kind of music do I like to listen to? Not Sure, About all I get to listen to is kids music. Right now it is a lot of high school musical.

4. I have a hard time getting up in front of people.

5. I used to get sick at the sight of needles until I had children, all that changed.

6. Italian food is one of my favorite foods.

7. I wouldn't take anything for the time that I get to spend with my children.

Prayers Needed

I have been unable to post lately because we have been so busy. I have had to help with my dad. Today I have to take him to the chiropractor and let them work on him, hopefully this will help till he goes for his next shot. My mom is exhausted and my so is my dad. He cant eat or sleep. He has now lost over 50 pounds. He is so worn down he can hardly get around. Yesterday my mom had to call his neurologist and they didnt seem to want to call back or do anything, so being the daughter I am I had to call and get a little ugly with them. I dont know why sometimes it seems doctors do not want to take you serious until you have to get plain out hateful. Nobody should have to go through all the pain and suffering that my dad has been through. It is hard on him as well as my family. All my mom and us kids can do is just watch him and cry. It is all we can do to hold it together for him. I ask that each and everyone of you keep him in your prayers and pray that when he goes Thursday to get another shot that it will work. I know that God is with him and will take care of him but it always helps when you know you have people praying as well.

Those sweet little words

The mornings we get to sleep late are the best, right. On these mornings when we wake up BW and I lay in the bed for a little while and just have some mommy and BW talk. But the thing that makes it the best is when I tell him I love him and he looks at me and says I love you more. That is the most precious words a mom could hear and makes the day start off so great.